Praise 104.1

For more Information


Evangel Cathedral Mission:
Pioneering, Modeling, Mentoring in the Spirit of Excellence.
General Information
Evangel Cathedral is a PIONEERING Church…

We are called to be a trailblazer in the Body of Christ in the areas of Worship, Fine Arts, Music and Special Events.

Evangel Cathedral is a Church that MODELS and MENTORS…

We are called to raise up leaders, ministers, and the next generation to be effective witnesses in their community and to fulfill their personal destiny.

Evangel Cathedral is a Church of EXCELLENCE…

We are called to excellence in serving the Body of Christ and demonstrating the vision of our Church.

                                                                                                                                            As a multi-cultural family of believers, Evangel Cathedral is called to help each of our members experience ongoing growth in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to “grow up together” as a corporate body into the image of Christ. Our mission is to present a visible demonstration of the love of God first to one another and then to our neighbors, community, the marketplace and the world.

13901 Central Avenue
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774
  (301) 249-9400