Patience is a need in our world and lives.Many of us struggle with patience. The worries of our lives and the need and demand for…

In light of all the craziness that is happening in our world with natural diasters and war, let us place all our worries and cares…

We can all recall our exceptionally aware moments. Unfortunately, they tend to occur in highly stressful and often life-threatening situations, such as skidding on glare…

Struggling with repeated worries can be a real challenge. The following prayer invites God to calm and guide those who struggle with anxiety. Worry is…

Strength is a characteristic that is often underrated. Praying for strength is merely understanding that you are seeking out the ability to survive in our…

It is Monday. The hardest day of the week for many of us. Let's try this week to make Monday the hallmark in which we claim all that is good and great in life. This will be the week in which we reign victorious. We claim all these things in the name of the Divine.ake a moment a give yourself a huge stretch, and wake up. The first thing you want to do is say thank you for this day. Be thankful for the people in your life and that you woke up.