Like many of us, Bishop Jakes wrestle with the notion that Music Legend, Whitney Houston, has passed away. As the producer of the last film Whitney Houston stared he addresses his congregation with comforting words. Check out the video! Sparkle was the unreleased film that critics believed would help relaunch Whitney Houston’s acting career, but now we’ll […]

Jesse Campbell was the first tearjerker of the new season of NBC’s ‘The Voice,’ both in his performance and his heartbreaking back story. Campbell revealed that wife left him because as a struggling singer, he couldn’t provide the life she wanted. Once she was gone, he was left homeless. “I slept in my car holding […]

It was one of the most touching moments during Bishop T.D. Jakes’ 2011 Woman Thou Art Loosed conference. His daughter, Sarah Henson, who became a mom at the young age of 14, shared how her father was her rock and biggest champion during such a difficult time in her life. Today, on her blog, the […]