Twitter has been educating people regarding all the fabulous things that women of color have achieved, been the “first” to do and more! From famous individuals to the woman that is quietly making strides in your local neighborhood, we picked a few of our favorites. Check out these historical facts about the accomplishments of our […]

Twitter has been educating people regarding all the fabulous things that women of color have achieved, been the “first” to do and more! From famous individuals to the woman that is quietly making strides in your local neighborhood, we picked a few of our favorites. Check out these historical facts about the accomplishments of our […]

While Hillary Clinton prepares to accept a historic nomination as the first women presidential candidate of a major party – a move that will shatter the proverbial glass ceiling – the diversity of the women at the helm of the Democratic National Convention cannot be ignored. Women of color have not only graced the stage in primetime speaking […]

Inspired by video from a comedian’s bit on Facebook, Erica Campbell poses what seems to be an age-old question: do black women have a problem submitting to men? Black women have long had a reputation for being more rebellious and refusing to submit in relationships to men- why is that? These listeners put their two […]


“I wasn’t afraid,” she says. “I felt disgust at what is being done across the country. At the fact that it’s come this far that we have to take to the streets in protest to demand our safety.”

So Beautiful

It’s always a welcoming feeling when black women are showcased for the natural beauty that they possess, especially when our vast color spectrum is placed front and center for the world to see. That is exactly what The Colored Girl Project does and the results of black female beauty are stunning.   You can look […]

Their empowering gesture may violate a Department of Defense rule that warns against “partisan political activity” while in uniform. Sigh.

The White House says that African-American women make 60 cents to the dollar a white man makes; white women make 79 cents.

Restricting access to and criminalizing the procedure will mostly impact Black women, who have the highest abortion rates in the nation.

It's the first out of 430 registered caucuses that will focus solely on the issues that we as African-American women face.

Martin, who has been adamant about President Obama nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court, asked Jarrett why a Black woman was not nominated and reminded Jarrett of the support Mr. Obama has received from African-American women over the course of his tenure as president.

After the double-homicide of Tarekka Jones and Jalisa Walls-Harris, Kevin Reynolds turned the gun on himself.