In this edition of Joy Living, Erica Campbell talks about the single woman’s tendency to sometimes misread the signs they’re getting from guys they’re interested in. First, she tackles the text messages, which is a major source of miscommunication and confusion in dating these days. Often, Erica says, we women can get caught up in […]

In this edition of Joy Living, Erica Campbell talks about the single woman’s tendency to sometimes misread the signs they’re getting from guys they’re interested in. First, she tackles the text messages, which is a major source of miscommunication and confusion in dating these days. Often, Erica says, we women can get caught up in […]

In this edition of the Ericaism, Erica Campbell explains her long history with heartache- or just simply “boys changing their minds,” as it was in her early years. She talks about how this history (and the way her parents handled it) helped her learn at an early age not to let her whole world crumble […]

In this edition of the Faith Talk, GRIFF tells the story of a friend whose philanthropic business venture was suffering, and she was unsure about whether it would survive another year. Becauswe of this uncertainty, she was afraid to go forward. She had to press send on an important message, but was hesitant to do […]

62 million girls. That’s the number of girls around the world who are not in school. On Saturday, first lady Michelle Obama announced a new…

Olivia Allen, 10, has already taken her first steps to becoming a philanthropist. Allen, who lives in Louisville, Kentucky, hosted a free conference for her…

One young lady has inspired girls to love themselves and their hair with her award-winning comic book, BuzzFeed reports. Troubled by her natural tresses and skin tone,…