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Therefore, I say to you, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.” Mark 11:24-25 (NKJV)

Names listed here are prayer requests called in to Sunday Morning Inspirations. To place your name or someone you would like us to pray for on the list, you may call Sunday morning – 314-969-0955, or email Evangelist Mary Tillman at

All sick, shut-in and bereaved families

President & Mrs. Barack Obama

Civil Leaders, Military, Government Officials, First Responders, Law Enforcement

Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Ministers

Students, Teachers, Principals, Deans, & Support Staff of Educational Learning

School Bus Drivers, Parents, Crossing Guards

Bentley’s Extended Care Residents

Rosewood Home Residents

MO Veterans Home Residents

Saint Clair Sheriff Department

Tornado and Storm Victims

Orlando Victims and Families

Mother Annie H

Family of Deacon James Wade

Jerome F

Jerusalem MBC

Minister Melvin St. Clair

Family of Deacon Earl “The Pearl” Russell

First Baptist of Robertson

Family of Mrs. Virginia White of KIRL Radio

Newstead Avenue MBC

Denise D

Campbell Family

Betty Thompson Family

Kimberly W & Family

Leannett P & Family

Muhammed Ali Family

Pastor J.B. Garris

Rev. Brian S

Ellis Mae G

Karen M

Lisa E

Frances J (Chicago)

Jacqueline J

Pamela T

Karen M

Ricky W

Rev & Mrs Duvall

Deacon Abram Ware

Maggie B

Lenard T


Marilyn C

Lois C

Mamie A

Deacon Clarence G

Mother Sarah D

Mother Ruby Mae Matthews

Mother Mary C

Deacon Howard L

Cisco K

Mae P

Mother Mary W

Police Officers Wounded in line of Duty

Protestors – World Wide

Victimized Families – World Wide

Sgt Andrew L in Germany

Mother Mattie V

Prayer Requests “Pray Every Day”  was originally published on