Erica Campbell - Praying and Believing

About Erica Campbell

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell sets a new bar for syndicated morning programming. From the range of music styles to powerful interviews; and from the lively features to the fresh approach on news and listener engagement, award-winning gospel music singer and reality TV star, Erica Campbell creates a high-energy experience for listeners to start every day in FAITH, with LOVE and having JOY. Both the comedic genius and news savvy of Erica’s co-hosts allow for a fun twist on the serious issues impacting the lives of listeners.
With nearly two decades in the music industry, Erica Campbell has repeatedly topped Billboard charts and won every music award possible as a member of the dynamic duo, Mary Mary and as a solo artist. A devoted wife and mother of three, Erica shares her life with the world on her televised reality show, Mary Mary. No stranger to the public eye, the social media maven has over 2 million followers she personally engages daily with inspiration and pure fun.

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell is the next natural progression of her career to extend her audience and share the life, music, and inspiration that makes her – ERICA.

Gospel singer Keyondra Lockett is a two-time Stellar Award nominee and an original member of the group Zie’l. She has shared the stage with artists like The Clark Sisters, Tye Tribbett and even Mary Mary, and now she’s a solo artist making a way for herself in the gospel industry. She explains how God’s plan […]

It’s that time of the year where the changing season my cause tickles in throats across the country. In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF fends his off with a vigorous appeal to God. He asks for God to send angels down to tend to and heal his throat- with song, or anointed oils, of […]

GRIFF has been enthusiastically working on his tambourine skills for a while now. He’s been playing it as his spirit sees fit during songs on the morning show- much to Erica Campbell‘s irritation, in some cases. He even got some feedback on his tambourine chops from David & Tamela Mann when they came to visit! […]

Singer and songwriter Candy West talks about getting her start as a background singer for some of the best gospel singers in the game, and how different it feels to be in the front now. She also discusses the mindset it takes to support someone genuinely as their background singer. Plus, she talks about her […]

In this edition of the Ericaism, Erica Campbell talks about the fact that we are taught early on in life to “be nice,” even though we also might simultaneously be taught that “nice guys finish last.” But Erica says she doesn’t believe that nice guys have to finish last, because it’s nice to be nice. […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF asks God why men have to turn into big babies when they’re sick! He hilariously points out the fact that men could be the most masculine, big burly men, but they tend to switch it up once they get sick. He says, yesterday, he wasn’t feeling well, and […]

Erica Campbell talks about a scripture that just about every gospel artist has sung, and that we’ve all heard a million times: “the lord is my light and salvation.” Despite having heard this piece of God’s word so often,  Erica didn’t get the full gravity of it until a little while after she has first […]

Radio One founder Cathy Hughes explains how Erica Campbell has impressed her throughout her successful career, and how she helped Cathy with her gospel symposium and other aspects of Radio One. She also muses about her love for GRIFF, reveals that she tries to book him any chance she gets, and even brings up one […]

Radio One founder Cathy Hughes is the first black woman to head a publicly traded company, and she is also the woman responsible for the largest black-owned broadcasting company in the United States. Howard University recently decided to honor Ms. Hughes by renaming its communications school after her! She talks about her experience at Howard- […]

In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell explains that our emotions are unreliable, and that we should not trust them. She points out that emotions can change at the drop of a dime, when the facts don’t! This ties in to a conversation Erica had on the show recently, about circumstantial happiness, which is not […]

In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell talks about listening to Joel Osteen on the way to work one morning. He was talking about “guarding your gates,” that is, the eyes and ears, and watching what we let enter through them. Erica reads from a scripture, which says that the eye is the lamp […]

In this edition of Love Talking, GRIFF explains that he’s hurting because he’s going through a divorce he didn’t want. He asked Iyanla Vanzant about ways to cope and heal himself in the aftermath of this relationship ending. In this touching conversation, Iyanla gives GRIFF both a splash of “cold water” in delivering her answer […]