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Police have yet to charge either one, but they did confirm that they are looking into the alleged rape of the young girl.

A recent analysis sadly confirms that our young girls face serious racial bias when it comes to discipline in the classroom.

The only drama Tyrese is usually involved in his self-created social media drama — but this time, his the madness is more personal. People magazine reports, the singer/actor is being accused of abusing his 12-year-old daughter by his ex-wife, Norma Mitchell Gibson, and was granted a temporary restraining order against the star. According to court […]

Next to saying the vows, watching a couple have their first dance is the most moving part of a wedding.

K. Michelle took to Twitter late last night and got some things off her chest. The singer revealed that she was recently diagnosed with lupus and it’s affected her ability to have babies. “I was devastated for 2 weeks,” she said. “Then [I got] a call from my OBGYN saying that if I have twins […]

Selena Gomez teased fans with new music just before the summer began — but she didn’t promote the songs like she normally would and laid low for the majority of the summer. On Thursday, the singer revealed the real reason for her mini departure from the spotlight, admitting that she had to recover from a […]

Aviana White, 27, said she begged the Pass Christian officer to not tase her during a traffic stop, but he did it anyway, saying this level of force was "justified."

Funny how #45's administration was quicker to denounce the "His & Hers" host than they were actual Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville last month.

Ayanna Williams of Houston just broke into the "Guiness Book of World Records" for having the longest nails in the world!

Several celebrities used their platforms to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.

With all that’s going on in your world, sometimes it’s hard to see if things will ever get better. But God assures us that even though we go through pain and labor, that joy will come and that the remembrance of that pain will not linger. Trust the process. Go through the pain. You will […]

2017 has been the year of television telling stories about what’s happening in the world today. The latest hot topic to snag a series based on issues plaguing the nation is the Black Lives Matter movement. According to Deadline, AMC is developing a yet-to-be-named drama series that will focus on the movement, which protests police […]