
Most people are waiting for COVID-19 to go away so we can get back to normal life.  But it's becoming more and more apparent that life as we knew it before COVID is a thing of the past.  One of the major things that looks like it has changed for good is travel.

"It wasn’t about losing weight. It wasn’t about controlling my appetite. Actually it was about how it stopped me from crying," Sidibe tells Henson in an open, candid discussion.

"It happened two nights in a row," Henson said. "I had purchased a gun not too long ago and it's in a safe. I started going, 'I could go in there right now and just end it all.'"

Lifestyle Influencer Carson Carson empowers women to follow their dreams and tackle mental roadblocks via her coaching business A Carson Enterprises. The Creative Director, plus-size model, and life coach uses her platforms to inspire all women live in their fullest potential. While part of her personal brand involves fashion because she’s a model, a huge […]

The monthly subscription service includes boxes for periods, menopause, post-surgery recoveries, post-gender confirmation recoveries, and postpartum mothers.

After a month of indulging unhealthy foods and alcohol, Lizzo decided to kick her health back into a shape by partaking in JJ Smith’s 10-day juice cleanse. As the unofficial poster girl for the body positive movement, she decided to let her fans in on her journey. Unfortunately the moment of transparency resulted in the […]

Unfortunately within the Black community, Diabetes is very common but we mainly focus on Type 2 Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is also very prevalent among People of Color...

A new study out of the UK has revealed that mouthwash can kill COVID-19 in seconds!

The Oral-B's iO toothbrush is a dental game-changer and celebrities like Kelly Rowland and Eva Longoria all agree.

We’ve broken down the importance of deactivating your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and/or TikTok. We’ve also provided a step-by-step guide for deactivating each account.

We spoke exclusively to Mary J. Blige about her role as a spokeswoman with the P.O.W.E.R. of Sure campaign to raise awareness around early mammogram screening.

With so much going on in the world, is it ok to put some of your friendships on pause until you find the strength to be social again?