
How Celebrities Have Talked Publicly About Their Struggles With Mental Health There’s still a stigma when it comes to having, talking about, and dealing with mental health issues–but the more we normalize that, the easier it will be for all of us who continue to suffer from issues like anxiety, depression, and more. Over the […]


An 8-year-old third grader in Michigan was told she could not participate in school photos because administrators took issue with her braids which were intermixed with the color red.

After a racist video involving a teen goes viral, the sister gives her thoughts.

While promoting her new children's book, "Sulwe," the Oscar winner kept it 100 about the origins of our fascination with lighter skin and how we continue to push that forward.


“I wish we didn’t live in a world where sexual assault existed,” she said.


It’s been over 35 years that Alex Trebek has graced our televisions and homes as the host of Jeopardy! But according to reports, Trebek’s time as the legendary’s show’s host may be coming to an end.


Anytime you are rocking with our #ForeverFLOTUS you are destined to win!

A bestselling book from James Patterson and former president Bill Clinton gets a T.V. interpretation.


The entertainment mogul has big things planned for people who've traditionally been ignored.

The ad campaign features British boxer and breast cancer survivor Michele Aboro.