The House Environment and Transportation Committee held a hearing Wednesday with school bus drivers to figure out how the state can help.

Rev. Jesse Jackson is recovering after taking a spill and cutting his head while meeting with student protesters at Howard University on Monday, according to his daughter.

Dr. Terri Hill, a Maryland state delegate and board-certified plastic surgeon, was slammed with a whopping $15,000 fine after she admitted to attending legislative meetings from an operating room.

October is Bullying Awareness Month and Today on the Community Affairs Show, Cheryl Jackson talks with author, educator, speaker, and entrepreneur, Rochelle Wilson about the Effects of Bullying. Today’s discussion include bullying statistics in schools.  Three types of Bullying includes verbal bullying, social bullying and physical bullying.  On average, 20% of students ages 12-18 experienced […]


You know—maybe it's about time we unofficially rename Halloween "White People, Don't Get Yourselves Beat TF Up" Day.

Right now, the state board of education is saying they will review the state's universal mask mandate in December.

The pace of new infections has slowed down since the peak of the Delta variant spread. Ronnette Rollins’ bonus daughter, 6 year old Kya Rollins, shares a Motivational Moment from Psalm 37, verses 8 through 13. Take a listen…

Breast Cancer

According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, breast cancer cases declined 40 percent in the past 30 years. Despite medical advancements in treatment and screenings, significant disparities in mortality rates continue. 

Students at Howard University have been protesting horrible living conditions inside of some dorms on campus. Using the Twitter hashtag #BlackburnTakeover, organizers encouraged a sit-in at the Blackburn Center to bring attention to this housing crisis and demand change within the dorms.

Car thefts have increased by more than 70% in the DMV compared to previous years. The video below shared by Prince George’s County Police shows how quickly these crimes can happen.

For many, this honor is long overdue. Sean Taylor was fifth in the NFL draft in 2004 and played with the then Washington Redskins until he was murdered in 2007. Now no one else in this franchise will ever wear the number 21 again.