
Marc Morial is the CEO/President of the National Urban League, and he is doing his part to remind everyone that early voting is an option,…

Even though this a political season, Bishop Secular reminds you not to get caught up with President Obama‘s or Mitt Romney‘s plan for your life.…

On this weeks Beauty & Health Segment Kym Lee continues to share with us the beauty trends for the Fall season.  This week she talks about the shoe rave!  Check out the full commentary: KYMLEE1009

National, Uncategorized

Praise 104.1 joined over two hundred golfers to support the University of Maryland Center for Infant and Child Loss 22nd annual SIDS golf tournament at the the Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott City. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy baby. It is one of the major […]

This week on Girl Talk with Elder Vikki Johnson, Vikki admonishes us to fight our challenged circumstances with the same intensity that it has fought us. We are not strong enough to fight on our own. But with the strength God we can beat any circumstance! Check out the full commentary here: GIRLTALK0912

Many 9/11 conspiracy theories surfaced shortly after the September 11th attacks — some bringing compelling arguments and some not holding up at all. Theorists believe…

President Barack Obama closed out the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC as he accepted the party’s nomination for the 2012 presidential election. His speech earned him much applause from the attendees and broke a Twitter record for politics, eliciting 52,757 tweets per minute according to International Business Times. Watch his entire speech below. Text “PRAISE” […]

Michelle Obama‘s impassioned speech to show her husband’s personal side left very few dry eyes in Charlotte on Tuesday. The First Lady closed out the Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention emotionally sharing her family’s story and how their personal values and experiences are the drivers for the presidents vision for America and the […]


A judge appointed TJ Jackson, the 34-year-old son of Tito Jackson, as temporary guardian of Michael Jackson’s three children in the absence of their grandmother Katherine Jackson. “We have reason to believe that Mrs. Jackson has been held against her will,” Katherine Jackson attorney Sandra Ribera told Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff […]

National, Uncategorized

Praise 104.1 midday personality and recording artist Lonnie Hunter brought his cues and categories and talent show to the DC area. The live show performance took place at Riverdale Baptist Church. Lonnie spoke about the differences in how men and women listen to each other. Lonnie led the church in a spirited sing-a-long to his […]

National, Uncategorized

It was an exhilarating Sunday service, one congregant recollected.  Rev. Jerome McNeil, Senior Pastor of Christian Chapel CME Church, had the rhythm in his tone, and the spirit in his message, during a morning sermon.  “He walked down the aisle, like he always does”, church member Cherry Bullard said. But that walk would be the […]