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Source: Getty Images/Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images/Jose Luis Pelaez Inc

I’ve realized that no matter how hard I try, false lashes and I are not friends. I spend hours in front of my mirror trying to apply them only to end up looking like the original Spider Woman. And then what’s even worst is that they end up falling off midday. Not only do they fall off, but this usually happens at the most inconvenient time. Like when I’m in a very important client meeting and just as I give a soft blink as a sign of my approval, poof they’re gone.

Well I am determined not to be made a fool of anymore. I caught up with Erin Taylor, president and head of training at Borboleta Beauty for some much needed advice on what we’re doing wrong (notice how I said we!). Here are nine of Erin’s tried-and-true application (and removal) tips.

false eyelashes

Source: Getty Images/Fuse / Getty Images/Fuse


1. Do isolate perfectly

2. Do choose lengths and diameters and curls appropriate for each client

3. Do use the proper adhesive, at the right amount

4. BE educated and have basic knowledge about all products


5. Don’t pick or pull at eyelashes (risks premature shedding)

6. Don’t use oily products

7. Don’t forget to brush!

8. Don’t walk around with spider lashes

9. Don’t go to an uneducated lash tech.


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9 Fool-Proof Tips For Applying False Eyelashes  was originally published on