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‘A Lesson In Positive Thinking’ The Mother McCullough Story | Dr. Willie Jolley

Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “The George Foreman Story: The Power Of Faith and Fortitude (Pt. 2)

Dr. Jolley Says

I want to share a lesson from a wonderful lady named Mother Elizabeth McCullough. I met Mother McCullough a number of years ago when I was speaking at my church. First Baptist Church of Glenarden. She came up to get a book sign and said she was visiting her son, Ricky. She told me she was retired and spent her day visiting the old folks. I laughed and said, “Well, how old are you? She said, “Ohh just about 80.”

Then she hit me with a line I would never forget, “I might be older in years, but I have a young attitude” Well, I Call Mother McCullough every Mother’s Day and she has said the same thing. She’s almost 90 now and still has a young attitude. I love her attitude. I encourage you to get a positive attitude like Mother McCullough and keep working on your positive attitude and keep learning and keep growing. And keep thinking young and you will be young. I’ll keep you on my mind.




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‘A Lesson In Positive Thinking’ The Mother McCullough Story | Dr. Willie Jolley  was originally published on