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Get Out Your Feelings, Guard Your Gates | Faith Walking with Smokie Norful

faith walking

Source: c/s / iOne

It’s time for you to walk by faith and get out of your feelings. 

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)

Everything you do comes out of your heart. It is so important for you to protect and to guard your heart because it is very easy for your emotions to cancel your faith and your ability to trust God and to be confident in God.  

I’ve been in the middle of this preaching series called Get Out of Your Feelings. The word mishmar, which is a Hebrew word, refers is used in the bible as the act of guarding someone closely, just like an officer or warden would guard a prisoner. He says, “above all else with all diligence.” This is because everything in your life comes out of your heart. What you say, what you believe, what you think. So, it is important to guard your heart. Why? Because of two things:  

  1. Your heart has a significant impact on your relationship with God. The condition of your heart can either draw you close or push you away from God.
  2. It affects how you relate or what relationships you have with people–close, estranged, distant.

Those are two of the greatest commandments, also. The first one is to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and then to love your neighbor as you love yourself. It is impossible to do that with a heart that is not in the right place, right condition or a heart that is consumed by feelings over faith.

Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with feelings; Jesus felt! He went through a lot of emotions. Most of us don’t realize he was an emotional guy. He was compassionate, he experienced anger, turned over tables in the temples, experienced sadness, grief, mourning, joy, sorrow, indignation.  

At the same time, we have to make sure that we’re maintaining control or mastery over our feelings.

Jesus had all these feelings, but he did not sin! There was no sin. He controlled his emotions. I think most of us need to learn from this because your emotions can get you in a lot of trouble. There are people who are in prison for their feelings. There are people who have lost relationships because of their feelings—offense, anger, pride. You have to get out of your own feelings, and you have to guard the way in because your eye gate, ear gate, and mouth gate are entry points, but the only way that those can be opened is from the inside! 

Nobody can make you watch. Nobody can make you speak. Nobody can make you listen. Nobody can make you remember. Get rid of the things that have a scent, and get rid of the things that caused you to remember bad places and spaces because vulnerability comes when you’re willing to open the gate or you’ve left your gates unguarded.  

Guard. Your. Gates. 

Those are the ways into your heart, and without a guard, your heart is going to be consumed with fear and other feelings and attributes that the enemy uses to pull you away from the promise. Do not allow your feelings to kill your faith!

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Get Out Your Feelings, Guard Your Gates | Faith Walking with Smokie Norful  was originally published on