Praise 104.1
live female blue crabs sorted into a wooden bushel basket with the lid open

Source: Amanda Cooke / Getty

Maryland’s blue crab season officially commences on April 1st, and the state’s Natural Resources Police are urging crabbers to adhere to conservation laws.

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The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has announced that the NRP will increase officer presence statewide to educate the public and enforce crabbing regulations. Acting Deputy Superintendent of NRP, Brian Rathgeb, emphasized the importance of compliance with all crabbing laws, including the use of crab pot turtle reduction devices, proper markings, and valid licensing and registrations.

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Furthermore, the Department of Natural Resources highlights the significance of protecting diamondback terrapins, Maryland’s state reptile. Unfitted crab pots pose a significant threat to these creatures, making adherence to regulations crucial.

Also See: Maryland Blue Crab Invades European Shores, Fishermen Concerned

The blue crab season spans from April 1st to December 15th in the Chesapeake Bay and until December 31st in the Atlantic Ocean, coastal bays, and tidal tributaries. For further details on guidelines and regulations, individuals are encouraged to visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.

source: The DMV Daily


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Maryland’s Crabbing Season Has Begun!  was originally published on