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Howard University‘s gospel choir performed at the White House last night for a special black-tie state dinner hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. The gospel choir, specifically chosen by FLOTUS, performed alongside country music star Brad Paisley in a dinner hosting Kenya’s president, William Ruto, and his wife, First Lady Rachel Ruto, who sources say are huge fans of gospel and country music.

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President Ruto was once an evangelist and from time to time will lead praise and worship when he visits different churches throughout his country, making the special performance by Howard’s gospel choir all the more special.

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Of the 500 guests in attendance, some featured appearances included former President Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, actors Michaela Coel, Sean Penn, and LeVar Burton, plus Reverend Al Sharpton, amongst several other well-known names.

In an effort to build ties with Africa, Biden curated the event to prove his loyalty following a trip that never transpired back in 2022. The dinner marks the first time a president has hosted an African leader since George W. Bush hosted the president of Ghana back in February of 2008.

Check out a brief clip from the moving performance below!

Howard University Gospel Choir White House Performance:

Howard University Gospel Choir Performs At White House Dinner For Kenya President  was originally published on