Erica Campbell - Praying and Believing

About Erica Campbell

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell sets a new bar for syndicated morning programming. From the range of music styles to powerful interviews; and from the lively features to the fresh approach on news and listener engagement, award-winning gospel music singer and reality TV star, Erica Campbell creates a high-energy experience for listeners to start every day in FAITH, with LOVE and having JOY. Both the comedic genius and news savvy of Erica’s co-hosts allow for a fun twist on the serious issues impacting the lives of listeners.
With nearly two decades in the music industry, Erica Campbell has repeatedly topped Billboard charts and won every music award possible as a member of the dynamic duo, Mary Mary and as a solo artist. A devoted wife and mother of three, Erica shares her life with the world on her televised reality show, Mary Mary. No stranger to the public eye, the social media maven has over 2 million followers she personally engages daily with inspiration and pure fun.

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell is the next natural progression of her career to extend her audience and share the life, music, and inspiration that makes her – ERICA.

On Tuesday, November 6th we exercise our right to vote.

GRIFF got a phone call from someone that mentioned to him he loves how much he loves Jesus.

When you want information do you go research it for yourself or do you just ask someone?

National Diabetes Awareness Month has begun and unfortunately there are over 30 million people living with the disease.

Grab a Kleenex because this might be one of the most wonderful love stories you’ve ever heard.

If you aren’t in the best of moods you might want to put on BeBe Winans video for his single, “Laughter Just Like A Medicine.”

Listen up ladies because Erica Campbell is dropping some jewels today!

It’s Halloween and GRIFF dressed as a priest today, but in his prayer mentioned that the saints don’t normally celebrate this day.

We're only days away from Election Day and it's very important that we go out and exercise our right to vote.

Mark Wahlberg has always spoken out about the importance of faith and family.

With each album artist try to show their growth within the music they release.