About Denise Hill

Jan Chamberlin, a soprano with the famed Mormon Tabernacle Choir, has staged her own personal protest again President-Elect Donald Trump, refusing to sing at the upcoming presidential inauguration. While several choir members have reportedly refused to participate in what is typically deemed an honor, Ms. Chamberlin is the only one who has chosen to take […]

Washington, DC has one of the highest rates of reported childhood sexual abuse in the nation. Though more resources are needed so no child is hurt and violators prosecuted, the work Safe Shores DC and the DC Children’s Advocacy Center is doing has a huge impact and is life-changing to the children and families they […]

Maryland State Delegate Darryl Barnes is a man very much on a mission. His primary focus and passion is to protect and prosper the young men (primarily minority) of his district and the world. Very mindful of the current state of race and cultural relations as well as the nation’s economic disparities, he has several […]

Though she spoke in an uncharacteristic soft, raspy voice, that larger than life personality and smile was unmistakably Vicki Winans. Thursday, she took to social media to assure her fans and supporters that she was doing well. During the last couple of years, she found herself in the middle of a few storms. From injuries, to […]

In this “get rich quick” society, more opportunities to try your luck in the DC Metropolitan area are proving detrimental for many residents. Problem gambling is on the rise. With the development of a new and expanding casino system in Maryland, the cases of pathological (compulsive) gambling and those who have a diagnosed gambling disorder are […]

When I played basketball in college there was no WNBA. There were no endorsement deals with women gracing the cover of cereal boxes. The ability to see someone like me on television, someone I could look up to and emulate, was sparse. Cheryl Miller was it for me in basketball and Flo Jo in track. […]

I am not anti-reality show in the least. Sometimes I believe there is plenty in my life to entertain, inspire, horrify and disgust the masses if a camera were to follow my every move. As any motivator, I would surely hold to the hope that someone would be blessed by my mess in some way. However, from this trailer, I just […]

Throughout my 20-year radio career I have often found myself defending the validity of the music known as Holy Hip Hop or Gospel Rap to members of the gospel music community. Even from the pulpit, I cannot count the times I have heard, “When you really need a breakthrough you’re not gonna listen to that […]

When we in DC, Maryland, and Virginia (the DMV) woke on a chilly but clear Sunday morning, there was no way we could know another strand in the rich political and cultural fabric of DC, would be pulled from us. Summer youth employment, programs for seniors, to his annual Thanksgiving turkey give-away; the thought of a […]

       The city of Houston has a very interesting equal rights fight taking place. It is over proposed changes to their current Houston Equal Rights Ordinance. One such change would specify that “no business open to the public could deny a transgender person entry to the restroom consistent with his or her gender […]

The church has often been described as a hospital. What happens when the people who help to heal are as sick as those they are there to help? Depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts are very real challenges being addressed, not just in the community, but specifically in the church by “Purpose Driven Life” author Pastor Rick […]

WNBA basketball player, Monica Wright ended her year long relationship with NBA All-Star and DC native, Kevin Durant. The ending of something as personal as a promise to marry one would think would be handled in private between the two. But basketball’s sweetheart duo’s relationship ended to much criticism and backlash primarily directed toward one person. That person […]