Women’s Health

Every natural is on a mission to find the best product to define their curls. This seems to be the hardest of all products to…

Natural hair is nothing new to these ladies. From mini fros to locs, they are rocking them all. Check out these celebrity natural hair crushes whose…

Elev8 Health, Women's Health

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Early detection can make all the difference. By making sure ourselves and loved ones are scheduling routine check ups with doctors, we can more likely ensure early detection, and take the appropriate measures. It is recommended that women 45 and over maintain regular mammograms, but all […]

May 13th is National Women’s Check-Up Day, a vital component to National Women’s Health Week. Make sure we take care of Mom and all the special women in our lives. Under the Affordable Care Act there are several preventative screenings and tests she can do at little to no cost or co-pay. Check it out […]