Dolores Huerta, longtime civil rights activist and Clinton supporter, offered to translate in Spanish and claims she was met with much objection.

Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman has given Hillary Clinton's latest presidential advertisement a touch of sincerity and cinematic glory.

The ninth meeting of the remaining Republican candidates got zero to 100, real quick.

With the 2016 presidential election on its way, we can’t help but think about the leading ladies poised to take over Michelle Obama’s role as FLOTUS. Our current…


Should the Black Lives Matter movement host/sponsor a presidential debate/forum to see where candidates stand on our issues?

During an interview last Friday, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker suggested Black Lives Matter members aren't voters.

In her first national interview of the 2016 presidential race, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton dismissed polls that suggest Americans do not trust her, and seized…

Sen. Bernie Sanders is hoping that his past services in the Civil Rights Movement and support of Obamacare will gain him the minority vote and…

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for every American to automatically be registered to vote while calling out four potential GOP presidential rivals…

This month has marked the addition of three candidates to the long list presidential hopefuls. Rick Santorum confirmed political whispers last Wednesday (May 27), when he…

Everyone who has a common interest in Mother Earth is aware of Earth Day and more than likely hip to the strained relationship between politics and…

He may announce his bid to run for president in 2016. He may not. But whatever Ben Carson’s political aspirations are, we’ll all know when…