The Area

On January 20, 2009, President Barack Obama (pictured) officially took office as the nation’s first African-American president, sharing his inaugural address with the millions who’d…

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if Barack Obama and Martin Luther King sat down at the table and wrote a speech together? King talked…

In the wake of last month’s tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the White House has moved swiftly to address the ramifications of rampant gun…


The biggest party in D.C. is a week away, and while people are no doubt excited to hear President Barack Obama‘s acceptance speech at this…

A photographer who snapped photos of Sasha (pictured left) and Malia Obama (pictured right) during the Obamas’ Hawaii vacation last week has been banned from…


A recent USA Today/Gallup poll conducted in December has yielded results that should please supporters of both President Barack Obama (pictured right) and Secretary Of State…

January 1st, 1863, is the day that the 16th President of the United States of America, President Abraham Lincoln, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, proclaiming that…

When it comes to caving on taxes to avoid the much ballyhooed fiscal cliff , President Barack Obama had made it clear that “that’s one…

A Newtown, Conn. church located near where the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre took place was evacuated on Sunday morning after a bomb threat scare, The Huffington Post reports. St. Rose Lima Church, the reported Roman Catholic church home to the shooter Adam Lanza, his mother and eight of the 20 children who perished in the Sandy Hook tragedy, evacuated its […]


Click Image Above To Watch Live.   RELATED: ‘SNL’: NYC Children’s Chorus Pays Tribute To Sandy Hook Shooting Victims With ‘Silent Night’ [VIDEO] Sandy Hook…


A new exhibit at a Boston community college art gallery is turning heads for depicting President Barack Obama’s (pictured) crucifixion. RELATED: Obama Continues To Pressure…


The old saying, “If you cant beat ‘em, join ‘em,” has definitely manifest in the weeks following the re-election of President Barack Obama. According to…