So Beautiful

President Obama called for a thorough probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election hacking scandal that unveiled classified emails from top Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff.


Many are apprehensive of the future amid rising hate crimes reported since early November.


President-elect Donald Trump received minimal support from minority voters, according to a new study conducted by Reuters.


Understandably many Americans are still highly emotional over the presidential election of Donald Trump and that means that statements from public figures regarding the election are even more highly scrutinized than usual. Oprah Winfrey found this out the hard way when she recently gave her thoughts on President Obama and Trump sitting down together for […]


The day after Tuesday's election, a seemingly record number of racial incidents were captured by social media users.

Reid weaves in and out of personal narrative to express his contempt for Trump and his rhetoric that has severely frightened a majority of minorities, including African-Americans, the LGBT community, Muslims, Mexicans and women.

For categorization purposes, I am considered a millennial. But two things are very clear, when I enter the room—I am a woman and I am Black.


Obama invited president-elect Donald Trump to the White House on Thursday to talk about a “smooth transition of power."

Donald Trump has extended his Electoral College total to 137, compared with Hillary Clinton's 104. Candidates need at total of 270 to win the White House.


After you go out and vote, get into some retail therapy. It's time for a new pantsuit anyway, isn't it?

Chicago's hometown hero, Chance The Rapper, led thousands to an early voting site on Monday evening after his "Parade To The Polls" concert.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so, you know how absolutely mind-boggling this election season has been. This year’s race is historic for many reason, and which way it goes will determine a lot of the changes we will say over the next decade in this country. So Erica […]