Plus, a Texas cable channel accidentally runs a racist ad that shocks viewers and Hillary Clinton tells Black and Latino journalists to hold her accountable.

Clinton accepted the invitation from leadership in both organizations who have a storied history of inviting past presidential candidates.


With the 2016 presidential election just around the corner, Roland Martin and NewsOne Now examined a survey that focused on the intersection of race and police community relations with the hope of gaining some insight into what is driving opposing sides away from a normalized co-existence. One question that resonated with those surveyed and with those who […]

Plus, Hillary Clinton to speak at Black and Latino journalism conferences and half of dermatologists aren't trained to spot skin cancer on Black skin.

The singer and drummer extraordinaire stands by Hillary Clinton and believes that Donald Trump's antics have made the political process look like a reality TV show.

In this edition of Love Talk, Erica Campbell talks about being touched by Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of the Democratic nomination to be president at the DNC, especially as an ambitious mother. She opens up about missing her children while she’s working, and her desire to not only love and support her children, but to instill […]

NewsOne spoke with Christina Greer, a professor of political science at Fordham University, about how Democrats performed overall at the convention and particularly on two key issues facing African-Americans: Women's empowerment, and police killings and gun violence.


See Hillary Clinton’s evolution from skirt-suits as First Lady to pantsuits as Senator, Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential Candidate.

The former secretary of state strongly made the case why she deserves to America's next Commander In Chief.

While Hillary Clinton prepares to accept a historic nomination as the first women presidential candidate of a major party – a move that will shatter the proverbial glass ceiling – the diversity of the women at the helm of the Democratic National Convention cannot be ignored. Women of color have not only graced the stage in primetime speaking […]