There are great deep conditioners you can buy for natural hair. But if you’re the DIY type, making your own can be even better…

It’s time to step your oil game up! Not only is it inexpensive, it’s essential to the overall health of your natural hair. There are…

I recently discovered that I’m a Master Chemist. I know how that sounds, but it’s the truth. For the past 3 weeks I’ve been trying…

  Dry hair is common for naturals, but there are great products on the market that can help keep your strands moisturized at all times.…

  Although it doesn’t feel like it, spring is here! It’s taking a while for the temperatures to heat up, but the warm weather will…

Managing natural hair is all about trial and error. You will make mistakes in your journey and it can take time to really get the…

Let’s be honest, every day is not a good hair day. But bad hair days don’t have to be all bad. There are a few…

For many naturals straightening their hair is a big no-no. Putting heat on your hair can cause damage, but there’s no harm in doing it…

What’s one thing naturals try to get around doing? Getting a trim! But holding on to dead hair is not the move, so like it…

How you wash your natural hair is very important in maintaining its overall health. You want to make sure you are following a regimen that…