
The writing has been on the wall for a while that former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders would have to concede to rival Hillary Clinton and it happened today. Sanders officially endorsed Clinton for president and vowed to help her take down Donald Trump. CNN has all the details regarding today’s game-changing announcement, as well […]


A new poll revealed more than half of Donald Trump’s supporters have a negative view of African-Americans.

Black and Brown People Vote, Community News, One Vote, Politics

Dr. Yashima welcomes back former Hill Staffer and Co-Founder of Black and Brown People Vote, Ifeoma Ike. They discuss the 2016 Presidential race and the power and importance of the Black vote. #BlackVotesMatter


This election year has to be one of the craziest and most ridiculous races in recent memory. In the latest bout of GOP ridiculousness, a Tennessee Congressional candidate caused a major uproar when he displayed a racist campaign sign.   According to various reports, independent candidate Rick Tyler, who is currently in the race for […]


Today marked the very first United State of Women Summit at The White House led by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. As expected, the event attracted some of the most powerful, educated and elegant ladies in the country as they gathered to talk about worldwide women’s equality and other women-related topics. The […]

The politician was the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

Kentucky voters elected the first Black woman in nearly 20 years to serve in the state legislature. The Democrat won a 3-person primary and faces no opposition in November.

The Black Lives Matter activist came in 6th, while State Sen. Catherine E. Pugh came in first with 37 percent of the city's support.

Women have the power to shape politics from the inside, but some have no idea where to begin. VoteRunLead hopes to point them in the right direction. Even with female politicians like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Kamala Harris, politics have long been thought of as an Old Boys Clbub. The numbers […]

The so-called “War On Drugs” has largely been seen by critics as a draconian tactic that has impacted communities of color negatively and unfairly over the years. In a new article from Harper’s magazine a 1994 interview with President Richard Nixon advisor John D. Ehrlichman, in which he stated the policy was aimed to disrupt Black […]

What in the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with Bill Clinton?

Dr. Ben Carson will endorse Donald Trump for the GOP nomination, various sources close to Carson confirmed to NBC News Thursday.