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son-of-godThe excitement behind the upcoming “Son of God” movie keeps growing with news that religious groups have bought over 500,000 tickets in advance of the premiere. Producers are marketing the film as the “first Latin Jesus,” in reference to Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado.

“There’s a high level of Christianity in the Hispanic community, many of whom don’t normally go to the movies but want to see ‘Son of God,'” said 20th Century Fox’s domestic distribution chief, Chris Aronson.

Fox will be delivering 3,000 dual-track digital copies to theaters so that audiences can watch the film in English or Spanish. Producer Mark Burnett has called Morgado “the first Latin Jesus in an English film.”

“Son of God” opens in theaters on Feb. 28, and it  has been noted that religious groups have picked up close to 500,000 movie tickets in advance.

Pastors and Christian leaders throughout the country have been buying out multiplex cinema screens for the “Son of God” showing, and earlier this week it was reported that multiplexes in at least 10 cities nationwide will be playing “Son of God” on all of their screens on the eve of the movie’s showing.