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Source: Daniel Zuchnik / Getty

Ida Keeling just set a new record for the 100 meter dash, NPR reports.

During the Penn Relays in Philadelphia, the 100-year-old competed against other runners 80 and up, and broke the record for the fastest time recorded for a centenarian at 1 minute and 17.33 seconds.

When asked how she’s been able to maintain, Keeling told NBC:

“Eat for nutrition, not for taste. And exercise at least once a day. Love yourself.”

Great advice.

Ida stands at just 4 feet 6 inches and weighs 83 pounds, but don’t let her size fool you.

Ida told The New York Times that she learned her resilience through living through the Great Depression.

It’s clear that she has the strength of decades of life lived well holding her together.

Congrats, Ida!


#BlackGirlMagic: 100-Year-Old Ida Keeling Breaks 100 Meter Racing Record  was originally published on