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CryOut Conference 2023

Source: Marcus Ingram / Getty

By now, you’ve probably seen the clip of Pastor Keion Henderson of Lighthouse Church audibly silencing a woman, who is seemingly overcome by emotion, during praise and worship. The video sparked much debate, with some siding with Henderson and others saying there was no reason to embarrass a person who clearly has been moved by the spirit.

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Henderson, accompanied by his wife Shaunie O’Neal, made an appearance on The Tamron Hall Show to address the moment, explaining that this isn’t the first time he’s had to address the woman.

“As a pastor, I know the difference between disturbance and worship,” Hendrson told Hall. “What people have to understand is that every time you hear a noise in church, it isn’t worship..there has to be order.”

He stood by his actions, saying that, in the moment, it was important people heard God and that he’d do the same thing if the situation called for it.

Check out their interview on The Tam’ron Hall Show below.

[VIDEO] Pastor Keion Henderson Responds to Backlash Following Viral Video  was originally published on