
Watch Night 2 hosted by Cheryl Jackson with a performance by RiZen and Dr. Jasmin Sculark aka Dr. Jazz the Lead Pastor of Victory Grace Center with the sermon...

Tonight we will be hosted by Cheryl Jackson with a performance by The Chosen 4 and Dr. Ralph A. Martino Sr. of Christ Holiness in Washington D.C. will give the sermon!

Here are a few scriptures that will hopefully help to renew your strength during this upcoming week and beyond!

Here are a few scriptures that will hopefully help to renew your strength during this upcoming week and beyond!

Here are a few scriptures that will hopefully bring peace into your week!

The Motivational Moment during Sunday Joy with Ronnette Rollins encourages the listener to get motivated for whatever they may face during the week. In this Motivational Moment, Reverend Ron Harrison encourages us not to quit.

The Motivational Moment during Sunday Joy with Ronnette Rollins encourages the listener to get motivated for whatever they may face during the week. In this Motivational Moment, Reverend Ron Harrison reminds us why we serve.

The Motivational Moment during Sunday Joy with Ronnette Rollins encourages the listener to get motivated for whatever they may face during the week. In this Motivational Moment, Reverend Ron Harrison talks about New Year's.

The Motivational Moment during Sunday Joy with Ronnette Rollins encourages the listener to get motivated for whatever they may face during the week. In this Motivational Moment, Reverend Ron Harrison talks about the history of the Christmas holiday.

Rev. Ron encourages us to keep our hope & faith in God, even in seemingly desperate times.

Here are a few scriptures that will hopefully bring an added push to keep you focused on the plans God has for your life!

When preparing for Thanksgiving and other upcoming holidays, it can feel like a daunting, anxiety-filled task trying to figure out how to interact with the family of your spouse or significant other.