A teacher from Oklahoma City is under fire for his recent comments about White people.

The airline continued to explain the situation, instead of taking responsibility for doubting Dr. Cross' credentials.

A White teacher from Texas is under fire after he shoved a young Black child in the face for not obeying.

Tionna Norris said that her 3-year-old child's teacher claimed that the students were bullying her because of her "stinky" hair—a claim that the school confirmed was not true.

But don't worry: Jon Girodes, who's running for New York's State Senate, just got arrested for running an alleged Craigslist rent scam.

A Delta Airlines flight attendant doubted that a Black female is a doctor when another passenger becomes unresponsive during a flight. She shares the humiliating incident on Facebook.

Baltimore fifth grade teacher Kelly Forostiak referred to her mostly Black students as "a8%holes" and ironically still has her job.

Jane Wood Allen described FLOTUS has a "gorilla" and said she was a "disgrace to America." Now, Allen has no job.

Plus, Donald Trump implies that vets with PTDS aren't "strong" and customers blast a Texas Sonic for handing them racist receipts.

Social media erupted on Tuesday after a Snapchat screenshot went viral, showing a police officer in uniform with text that included a racial slur.

Plus, Donald Trump denied visit to a N.C. civil rights museum after his campaign “bullied” staff and ColourPop apologizes for naming darker skin tones "Yikes" And "Typo."

Whoever is giving the reality star turned politician advice on how to garner the Black vote needs to be fired. STAT.