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Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital

Isn’t it amazing how many of us DON’T realize that we are in bondage by something, that has been holding us for back from living a more full live. Yes, while in bondage, many of us only recognize that we are only stuck, and just need a little nudge.

But understand, when we are in bondage and don’t realize we are in bondage, we learn how to function that way. We learn how to adapt, cope and push through just to make it another day.  However in doing so we take on bad habits, and end up doing whatever that may help us to feel better, from eating, having a stiff drink, ultimately making bad decisions, or hanging out at the clubs and partying to release  frustrations or whatever helps.

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But understand…it’s the bondage that makes you feel like a hostage, limited and stuck.  It’s the bondage that has held us in captivity for years, and for so long, we don’t even realize we are in bondage, because we have become use to living that way.  Also understand, the longer you stay immobilized, the blood can’t flow, your muscles get weak and you lose your strength to fight back.

Sometimes you even become limited in what you can say, even with your praise!

So the question is, HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO LET SOMETHING OR SOMEONE keep you in bondage, limiting your growth, your praise and ultimately limiting who you are and who you are suppose to be!?

It’s time to break the chains and ties to anyone or anything that is holding you down, holding you back or limiting your growth.

Start breaking those chains today!

Courtesy of @thebellereport

Sheilah Belle

Source: The Belle Report / Sheilah Belle

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Motivational Words from Sheilah Belle: “Break Every Chain”  was originally published on